Wednesday, October 31, 2007

hey all! there's alil changes made to the second design =)
PS: if there's anyone who wants to post smth, feel free to do so!!if u'r nt sure of the username and pw, u can ask me anytym =)
PS(again) : there's a training session for all levels this coming saturday ( 3rd nov 2007 ).. respective squads' attire will b made known thru the recall system. please attend the training session as it's gonna be the last training session for ur promotion test=)
11:48 PM
someone screamed here
Dear one and all,
Please kindly take note of the following for this Saturday's Training Session - 3 November 2007
(1) Please DO NOT be LATE and Fall in ON TIME.
(2) Please come in a STANDARDIZED attire eg T-Shirt.
(3) Wear the CORRECT attire as specified by ur I/C eg Half Uniform.
(4) Those with LONG hair, please cut before coming.
(5) For those wearing spectacles, please wear spectacle hooks or wear contact lenses.
Please be SERIOUS and treat this coming session as though it is the actual Promotion Test.
11:38 PM
someone screamed here
Tuesday, October 30, 2007






hmmm..all the designs are uploaded for ur reference=) so feel free to voice out ur opinion. dun wori we wun pump u guys for negative all the designs are different no matter how similar they look =)-tyt
12:28 AM
someone screamed here
Monday, October 29, 2007

hey guys, comment on this picture ( u can tag on the tagboard or tel me in msn=) )and if many of u like it, it may be our np tee design =)
9:24 PM
someone screamed here
Sunday, October 28, 2007
holiday schedule :D
27/10 - training session
30/10 - sec2s - sana course
2/11-4/11 - 3sec3s - atc
3/11- sec1s n 2s - training session for promo
9/11- 6 sec3s - rv amazing race
10/11- sec1s,2s,selected sec3s - promotion test
14/11- sec2s- civil defence course
15/11- sec3 cc test
24/11- school open hse
26/11- sec3s- preparation for annual camp
27/11-29/11- annnual camp
30/11-15/12 - npcc break
3/12 - 7/12 - obs
17/12-selected sec2s and 3s-cc training
18/12-selected sec2s and 3s - cc training
21/12- sec3s - npcc workplan
21/12-marshal duty for sec1 registration
22/12-all levels - training session
26/12- all levels-np retreat
28/12- all levels - training session
8:52 PM
someone screamed here
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
11:17 AM
someone screamed here
Sunday, October 14, 2007
2:55 PM
someone screamed here